
Meet the Professor
Sridharbabu Yarramaneni
School of Engineering & Technology

Position : Head, Physics, SOET
Dr. Sridharbabu Yarramaneni hails from Prakasam District of Andhra Pradesh. His passion is to teach Physics using practical based approach by embedding more real-life examples. He has worked as JRF and SRF at Department of Physics, Regional Engineering College (Presently National Institute of Technology), Kurukshetra in UGC and MHRD Funded projects. He is always ready to take challenges. He has also worked as Deputy Controller of Examinations as well as Administrator – B. Tech. First Year at his previous University
Dr. Sridharbabu Yarramaneni is also one of the founding faculty members of BML Munjal University. He has more than 15 years of teaching and research experience.
In addition to teaching, Dr. Sridharbabu is a regular contributor to curriculum development, laboratory and Institutional development. He is also actively involved in experimental research related to material characterization. His research interest is in the area of conducting polymers. He has published more than 50 contributed research papers both at National and International Journals / Conferences.
Dr. Sridharbabu has attended several conferences, short term training programmes, and faculty development programmes. He visited (May 2016) Seoul, South Korea to present his research work on ZnO nano structures.
Dr. Sridharbabu is a life member of the Indian Physics Association, Indian Association of Physics Teachers, Indian Science Congress, Materials Research Society of India, Nuclear Track Society of India and regular member of Materials Research Society, USA.
- Graduation In: B.Sc. in Physics
- Graduation From: Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh
- Graduation Year: 1996
- Post Graduation In: M.Sc. in Physics
- Post Graduation From: Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Gujarat
- Post Graduation Year: 1999
- Doctorate In: PhD in Physics
- Doctorate From: Kurukshetra University, Haryana
- Doctorate Year: February, 2006
- Physics-I (Mechanics and Optics)
- Physics-II (Electricity and Magnetism)
- EMSA (Emerging Materials Science and Applications)
- BEEP (Basic Electrical and Electronics Practice)
- NDT (Non-Destructive Testing Techniques)
- JOE (Joy Of Engineering)
From - To (Year) | Designation & Organization | Core Competency | Additional Exp. Details |
2014-current | Associate Professor - BMU | ||
2012-2014 | Professor – Echelon Institute of Technology, Faridabad | ||
2007-2012 | Associate Professor – Lingaya’s University, Faridabad | ||
2006-2007 | Assistant Professor, GFITM, Faridabad | ||
2005 -2006 | Lecturer, BSAITM, Faridabad | ||
2003 -2005 | Lecturer, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra |
- “Thermally stimulated polarization currents of pristine poly (p-hydroxybenzoic acid – co – ethylene terephthalate) polymer liquid crystals”, Sridharbabu Yarramaneni, Sharma Anu and JK Quamara, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1731, 030016 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4947621.
- “Thermally stimulated spontaneous current investigations in 75 MeV oxygen-ion-irradiated kapton-H polyimide”, Anu Sharma, Y Sridharbabu and JK Quamara, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, Vol.170, No.2 (2015) 103-110, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 10420150.2014.998670.
- “Photoinduced currents in pristine and ion irradiated kapton-H polyimide” Anu Sharma, Y. Sridharbabu, and J. K. Quamara, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1620, 41 (2014) pages 41-45; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898217
- “Evaluation of Dielectric Relaxation Parameters from TSDC Analysis of Pristine and Ion Irradiated Kapton-H Polyimide” Anu Sharma, Sridharbabu Yarramaneni, J K Quamara, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269 (2011) 759 -763.
- “Electrical Conduction Behaviour of Pristine and 100 MeV Ni Ion Irradiated PET/0.8PHB Polymer Liquid Crystals” JK Quamara, Y Sridharbabu, Geetika Goyal, Anu Sharma, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 45 (2007) 910 – 919.
- “TSDC behaviour of pristine and irradiated PET/0.8 PHB polymer liquid crystal”, Y Sridharbabu, JK Quamara, Journal of Material Science, 39 (2004) 4651- 4653.
- “Thermally Stimulated depolarization Current Studies in Pristine and 100 MeV Ni-Ion Irradiated PET/0.3 PHB Polymer Liquid Crystal”, JK Quamara, Y Sridharbabu, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 41 (2003) 790 – 800.
- “Dielectric relaxation studies of 100 MeV Ni58 ion irradiated Kapton-H polyimide film”, T Prabhavathi, Y Sridharbabu, JK Quamara, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 40 (2002) 654 – 659.
- “Dielectric constant/loss behaviour of 11.6 MeV/n U238 ion irradiated Poly (p-hydroxybenzoic acid-co-ethylene terephthalate) liquid crystal polymer”, Y Sridharbabu, T Prabhavathi, JK Quamara, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 40 (2002) 633 – 636.
- Assessing the Optical Properties of 2D MoS2 Nanosheets Synthesized Using Facile Two-Step Sequential Process, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 12 031009,Vol.12, 2023.
https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2162-8777/acc20b - Photocatalytic activity of MWCNTs reinforced MoS2 nanosheets, J. Electron. Mater., 2024.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-024-11187-6 - Fast decomposition of organic contaminant in wastewater using Zn and Mn bimetallic metal organic frameworks, polyhedron, 2024.
https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277538724002924 - Tin oxide nanoparticles‑coated cathode for the detection of aqueous urea using compost‑based microbial fuel cell configuration, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 35:1623, 2024.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-024-13369-8 - Nanogenerators for Energy harvesting, Book Chapter, Book: Nanomaterials: An approach towards Environmental remediation, Bentham Books, 2024. ISBN (online): 978-981-5223-61-3
- Best Faculty Award in 2016-2017 at BMU, SOET
- MHRD Senior Research Fellowship from Regional Engineering College (Presently National Institute of Technology), Kurukshetra, 2001-2002.
- UGC Funded University Project Junior Research Fellowship from Regional Engineering College (Presently National Institute of Technology), Kurukshetra, 1999-2001.
- University Departmental Merit Scholarship in M.Sc. (1998)
- Elected (unanimously) as one of the sectional committee members for Physical Sciences Section of the Indian Science Congress Association for the year 2018-19
- Solar rooftop PV project for academic investigations, 45kW, sponsored by ICICI Foundation, 2023-24.
- Design and Development of novel Air filtration device, Sponsored by Rockman Foundation, 2024-25.