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BML Munjal University

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    Centre for Teaching & Learning


    Centre for Teaching & Learning

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    The educators in the Indian higher education sector currently, not only need to be adept at using technology but the future also requires them to break the current mold and reimagine their skills. Educators need to revamp the teaching practices because the current set of students are looking for a more engaged class environment with experiential learning-based education capable of imparting data-driven decision-making cognitive skills and multi-disciplinary education with varied skillsets which may include managing virtual teams.

    The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Development (CTLD) at BML Munjal University, is a new age Centre of Excellence that supports and accredits the academic and professional development of new and in-service faculty members, which in turn enhances the experience of learners in higher education.

    The Centre provides a dynamic forum for a community of competent, thoughtful practitioners to share ideas and to develop a discourse through which to reflect upon teaching, learning and academic practice and experience, and to challenge each other’s thinking in a supportive and committed environment. It also helps faculty members to situate themselves within the wider frames and concerns of their department, discipline, and institution, and to advance their professional achievements and aspirations.


    “Senior Academician Speaks” is a monthly feature at CTLD, wherein leading accomplished academician is invited to share their experiences of joys in teaching. They share their journey from being to becoming teachers. This series is meant to inspire the young faculty members to learn from the veterans in the field.

    The invitee for the inaugural session in Senior Academic Speaks was Prof. Sarit Kumar Das, Director and Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab.

    CTLD organizes various workshops for teachers and academicians on a regular basis, hosted by expert faculty members of the University.

    Faculty Development Programmes

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