
Regulating Artificial Intelligence: Issues and Options
26th August 2022 at India Habitat Centre.
The annual Law Conclave on the topic ‘Regulating Artificial Intelligence: Issues and Options’ was held at the India Habitat Centre on 26th August 2022. The Conclave dealt with the following three major issues.
- What are the barriers that exist in the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in India?
- What are the risks and concerns associated with the utilisation of AI Technology?
- How regulations are to be made regarding AI in Developing Countries?
The Conclave divided in three panels addressed these key points and brought out various legal technological and ethical barriers associated with the adoption of AI in developing countries. It brought under scrutiny key concerns like the violation of privacy, lack of accountability, lack of transparency, biases against specific groups, etc that arise with the increased use of AI. The panel discussions brought lessons in AI regulation in other jurisdictions and the need for contextualization, especially in a country like India with a diverse culture where social structures intersect in different ways with technology.
To view the report, click here.