
Meet the Professor
Sangita Dutta Gupta
School of Management

Position (additional roles) : Assistant Dean- Research and Publications
Email : Sangita.dgupta@bmu.edu.in
- Graduation In: Economics
- Graduation From: Jadavpur University
- Graduation Year: 1997
- Post Graduation In: Economics with specialisation in Econometrics
- Post Graduation From: Jadavpur University
- Post Graduation Year: 1999
- Doctorate In: Economics
- Doctorate From: Jadavpur University
- Doctorate Year: February 2016
From - To (Year) | Designation & Organization | Core Competency | Additional Exp. Details |
2001 to 2005 | Visiting Lecturer at Jyotish Roy College | ||
2005 to 2008 | Lecturer at J.D. Birla College | ||
2008 to 2011 | Assistant Professor at BIBS | ||
2011 to 2016 | Assistant Professor at Globsyn Business School | ||
2016 to 2021 | Jagdish Sheth School of Management as Associate Professor and Chairperson-Centre for Research |
- Dutta Gupta, S. (with two co-authors, 2020), ‘Technology adoption and entrepreneurial orientation for rural women: Evidence from India’ published in at Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ABDC ‘A’ and ABS ‘3’), Vol.160
- Dutta Gupta, S. (with two co-authors, 2018), ‘Information Technology and Profitability: Evidence from Indian Banking sector’ International Journal of Emerging Markets (Scopus, B of ABDC, Emerald), Vol.13, No.5, pp. 1070-1087
- Dutta Gupta, S (with two co-authors, 2018): ‘Empowering Women and Stimulating Development at Bottom of Pyramid through Micro Entrepreneurship’, Management Decision (Emerald Publication, B of ABDC and Scopus Indexed)., Vol-56, No.1, pp 160-174
- Dutta Gupta, S., (with two co-authors, 2018): ‘Determinants of Sustainability of Microenterprises: An empirical analysis’, Benchmarking: An International Journal (Emerald, B of ABDC and Scopus Indexed), Vol 25, No.3, pp 919-931.
- Dutta Gupta S. (with two co-authors,2015): ‘Information Technology Sector in India and Gender Inclusivity’, Gender in Management: An international Journal (Emerald Publication) Vol.30, No. 2, pp. 94-108. (Scopus listed and C of ABDC ranking)
- Dutta Gupta S. (with two co-authors,2015): ‘Information Technology Sector in India and Gender Inclusivity’, Gender in Management: An international Journal (Emerald Publication) Vol.30, No. 2, pp. 94-108. (Scopus listed and C of ABDC ranking)
- Dutta Gupta S.(with two co-authors,2015): ‘Determinants of exports of Information Technology: An empirical analysis’, South Asia Economic Journal, Vol.16, No.1, pp.64-81 (SAGE Publication). (Scopus listed and C of ABDC ranking)
- Dutta Gupta, S. (with four co-authors, 2021), ‘Impact of macroeconomic and institutional factors on the financial performance: A study of platform_based companies’ has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Services and Operations Management (Scopus Indexed)
- Dutta Gupta, S (with four co-authors, 2020) ‘Evaluation of Performance of the Indian Power Sector from the lens of ratio analysis’ has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Business and Globalisation (Scopus Indexed)
- Dutta Gupta, S (with one co-author, 2019), ‘Work -life Balance of Women Professionals: Impact and Implications’, accepted for publication in International Journal of Services and Operations Management (Scopus Indexed)
- Dutta Gupta, S (with co-authors) ‘The impact of oil price movement on the stock price during the Covid -19 Pandemic: An empirical study’ has been accepted for publication in Empirical Economics Letters (ABDC ‘C’).
- Dutta Gupta, S (with one co-author): ‘Self Help Groups-A silent revolution in empowerment of women: A study on few self- help groups of West Bengal’ in ‘Selected Readings in Business Sustainability and Inclusive Growth’ (ISBN-9781786354129), Emerald Publication
- Book chapter titled ‘Social Entrepreneurship through micro entrepreneurs of Self Help Groups’(with one co-author) in the book titled ‘Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Model in India’(Palgrave Macmillan)
- Case titled “ Xoxoday-growth in the post Covid world” published in The Case Journal. Xoxoday – growth in the post-COVID world | Emerald Insight. DOI 10.1108/TCJ-11-2022-0188, Vol.20, No.2, pp.492-505 ( Scopus Indexed)-July 2023.
- Paper titled “Perceived usefulness of online customer reviews: A review mining approach using machine learning and exploratory data analysis”, published in Journal of Business Research, Vol.150, PP.147-164 ( ABDC ‘A’) in June 2022.
- The paper titled “Financial Development, Country Governance and Economic Growth: Evidence from BRICS” has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Services and Operations Management ( Scopus indexed).
- The paper titled “ICT endowing competency and sustainability: Impact on Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment” has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Business Excellence (Scopus Indexed).
- UGC-NET Qualified
- Editorial Review Board Member of International Journal of Emerging Markets ( ABDC ‘B’ Category Journal)
- Reviewer of Journal of Knowledge Management ( ABDC’A’), Management Decision, International Journal of Emerging Markets, International Social Science Journal ( ABDC ‘B’)
- Conducted FDPs on Simulations and Research Methodology
- Invited Speaker for IMPRI- Impact and Policy Research Institute, SVIMS-Pune, North Bengal University, BASAANA-USA, UMT-Pakistan
- Received Presidential Best Paper award at BASAANA Conference in New York and Commendable Paper award at IMT Nagpur Conference
- Article titled ‘Farm Bill 2020: The missing pieces and what the government can do’ has been published in Hindu Business Line-February 2021
- Article titled ‘Covid-19 and its gendered impact’ has been published as part of the compendium on ‘Post-Pandemic Development Priorities: The decade of Action by ORF ( December 2020)
- Article titled ‘Rebooting Service sector for Atmanirbhar Bharat’ published in Business World ( January 2021)
- Article titled ‘The gender lens in development discourse’ published in Orfonline (June 2020)
- Article titled ‘ Why B-Schools must rethink research has been published in Financial Express
- Article titled ‘Gender Budgeting and Budget 2024: Emphasis on women led Development (July 2024) oublished in Financial Express. https://www.financialexpress.com/business/industry-gender-budgeting-and-budget-2024-emphasis-on-women-led-development-3580523/
- Article titled ‘Budget 2024: Focus on employment, upskilling and Industry ( July 2024) published in ET Insights. https://etedge-insights.com/featured-insights/economies/budget-2024-focus-on-employment-upskilling-and-industry/
- Article titled ‘Recent stock market crash in India: Do we need to worry?’ Published in ET Insight Edge (April 2024) published in ET Insights. https://etedge-insights.com/industry/bfsi/recent-stock-market-crash-in-india-do-we-need-to-worry/
- Article titled ‘ Digital Platforms as Enables for Climate Action’ published in Business World (May 2023) published in Business Worls. https://www.businessworld.in/article/Digital-Platforms-As-Enablers-For-Climate-Action/08-05-2023-475774/
- Article titled ‘Time for India to Play the Country As A Platform Strategy’ published in Business World ( April 2023) published in Business World. https://www.businessworld.in/article/Time-For-India-To-Play-The-Country-As-A-Platform-Strategy/23-01-2023-463011/
- Article titled ‘ How RBI rate hikes hurt’( April 2022) published in Hindu Business Line. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/how-rbi-rate-hikes-hurt/article65784570.ece
- Article titled ‘ Russia-Ukraine War: India’s balancing act’ published in Hindu Business Line ( March 2022). https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/russia-ukraine-war-indias-balancing-act/article65198617.ece
- Article titled ‘Destructive second wave: The impact on women and rural economy in India’ has been published in ORF online ( July 2021) Destructive second wave: The impact on women and the rural economy in India | ORF (orfonline.org)