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BML Munjal University

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    Anantha Rao
    Anantha Rao Professor of Practice
    • School School of Engineering and Technology
    • Department/Programme B.Tech CSE
    • Email anantha.rao@bmu.edu.in
    • Graduation In: Bachelor of Science
    • Graduation From: University of Delhi
    • Graduation Year: 1987
    • Post Graduation In: Master of Business Administration
    • Post Graduation From: University of Rajasthan
    • Post Graduation Year: 1990
    From - To (Year) Designation & Organization
    2021-2022 Dean, School of Data Science, Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
    2019-2021 Visiting Professor, BIMTECH & Data Science Consultant
    2014-2019 Advisor vliv.com & Data Science Consultant
    2009-2014 Head of Insights, Yahoo
    2007-2009 Director, Client Solutions & Measurement Science, Nielsen
    2006-2007 AVP & Research Director, IMRB Kantar
    2005-2006 Manager, AERS, Deloiite Touche Tohamatsu
    2003-2005 Senior Program Specialist, Reproductive & Child Health, Futures Group, USAID
    1995-1999 Assistant Manager, AC Nielsen
    • Contributed to advertising revenue increase for key Yahoo properties for key verticals highlighting net-centric lives of CPG audiences by redefining relevant audience metrics. Improved Yahoo Finance user engagement arising from mixed-methods research on audiences.
    • Delivered 40% performance improvement (processing time, memory usage) by redesigning Deloitte’s SAS application JEDAR for accounting fraud detection.
    • Segmented India's contraceptive market with ensemble unsupervised learning methods based on National Family Health Survey. Empirically established subsidy leakge and recommended policy changes to USAID, MOHFW, Govt of India.
    • Developed scalable brand switching model for IMRB Household Panel Data upto 30 million records.

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