Leadership Team

Dr. Anupam Vyas
Controller of Examinations
Dr. Anupam Vyas is a blend of Academician and Administrator. He is holding a position of Controller of Examinations of BMU.
He has 22 years of experience in the field of higher education, where he has successfully demonstrated his capabilities as a Teacher, Researcher and Administrator. In this span, he has served various reputed organizations in various capacities.
He holds a PhD degree in the field of Experimental Physics and has published many research papers in reputed International and National journals.
He is one of the 25 Physics Teachers all over the world who got selected by International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Italy for training in “Preparing 21st Century Physics Teachers Program of Year 2015”
Dr Anupam considers himself as an Innovative Thinker, who thinks out of the box and always brings fresh ideas for doing anything in more effective and efficient manner. He is known as an extraordinary teacher, effective mentor, and a great team player.
In his spare time, he loves listening to music and reading poetry.