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BML Munjal University

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    At the School of Management, we have been constantly pushing the boundaries of meaningful research that has an impact in academia and society at large. Our faculty as well as doctoral scholars have been making their mark in increasingly publishing at the higher levels from an ABDC, ABS or a Scopus perspective. At SOM, we have set the bar high, and the right environment, training and facilitation is provided to ensure we are constantly challenging ourselves to contribute to management research. Our faculty work with the industry, our students and academic researchers from all across the world. Their overall research areas include but are not limited to marketing, retail, financial markets, trade economics, digital manufacturing and I4.0, organisational behaviour, strategy, and innovation.

    Research Profile | Prof. Davinder Singh

    Innovation and entrepreneurship can be difficult for many, especially large and evolved organisations. Coming from industry and being involved in many initiatives, Prof. Davinder Singh has been exploring how large corporations can leverage innovation to drive profitable growth? How can they also innovate like emerging and agile startups and new age entrepreneurs? How to…

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    Research Profile | Dr. Chirag Malik

    Urbanization has many distinguishing characteristics. One of its specific features is increasing metropolitanization. Hence, rapid urbanization leads to continuous increase in the number of vehicles, causing traffic congestion, which, in turn, creates air pollution. This is true for most urban areas worldwide. There has been a gradual change in the environment. Environmental pollution is a significant issue for India. Growing number…

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    Research Profile | Dr.Ritu Chhikara

    Ritu’s research is focussed on consumer behaviour, sustainable consumer behaviour and sustainable marketing practices. After a brief yet successful stint with Microsoft, she joined academia and has been continuously conducting industry-focussed research since the last 7 years. Her philosophy of melding academic rigor with real-world business practice has led her to be involved in a number of consulting projects coming from MNCs and..

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    Research Profile | Dr.Ruchi Garg

    Ruchi Garg, was a doctoral scholar & research fellow of Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, in the area of marketing and is currently Assistant Professor of Marketing at BML Munjal University and teaches marketing management, brand management, integrated marketing communications and qualitative research. She has also qualified UGC-JRF exam in management. Her research articles have been carried in several national and international publications in the fields of marketing, relationship marketing…

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    Ruchi Garg
    Research Profile | Dr. Dipankar Das

    Dr. Dipankar’s main area of work includes the fields of Indivisibility, Non-convexity, Non-linearity and Pattern Recognition in Economic Theory. His aim is to combine these topics under Normative Economics that focuses on the value of economic fairness and deal with computational aspects. Of late, a paper of his, titled “A Relationship between the Factor Indivisibility and the Output Elasticity of the Indivisible Factor,” was accepted for publication..

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    Research Profile | Ms. Rubal Rathi

    A doctoral scholar in marketing, Rubal Rathi’s journey began with a lure and fascination towards luxury brands. “Having had an inclination towards fashion and luxury since high school, when asked about the dissertation area, I was certain that it has to be around luxury brand management,” she says..

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    Research Profile | Mr. Gautam Agrawal

    Gautam is a management professional with academic leaning. Gautam did his Master’s in International Business from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Presently, he is pursuing his PhD in consumer legitimacy in collaborative consumption. He has published a number of papers in reputed academic journals and presented them in conferences related to his research work in sharing economy, sustainability, consumer behaviour, and online retail…

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    Research Profile | Mr. Sanjeev Narula

    Most countries worldwide today are facing the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders, globally, are confronted with twin apprehensions: how severely has the COVID-19 outbreak battered the economy and what actions should be undertaken to prepare for the possible challenges..

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    2nd Global AI Conclave 2021

    BMU unveiled a report at its 2nd AI industry conclave on “Embracing the shift in healthcare”, that was organized virtually February 10, 2021.AI is the new normal and is embracing the shift in healthcare confirms the report. It cites the various use cases of AI that are accelerating its adoption. The development and application of AI techniques in healthcare are helping to improve the diagnostic process. AI technology is assisting pathologists in making more accurate diagnoses and developing methods for individualised medical treatment.

    The report also explores the challenges and risks involved, namely those around privacy of customer data, the bias in training algorithms that may corrupt outcomes, data availability and ethical challenges. It concludes with a survey with C-suite executives in healthcare to ascertain the on-ground sentiment towards AI, adoption trends and real-world challenges.


    To download the report, click here

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