6.4 Water Reuse

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    6.4 Water Reuse

    6.4.1. Water Reuse Policy

    The university is committed to implementing a comprehensive and sustainable water management plan designed to prevent water wastage and maximize the recycling and reuse of wastewater across our campus. This plan includes reducing potable water usage through rigorous monitoring, the installation of water-efficient fixtures, and the restriction of water use to essential needs, including irrigation. Our commitment extends to adopting sustainable horticulture practices, ensuring that all landscaping and gardening efforts are carried out in a water-efficient and environmentally responsible manner. By integrating these measures, the university aims to optimize water resource use, promote environmental sustainability, and set a benchmark for responsible water management on campus.

    6.4.2. Water Reuse Measurement

    In 2022, a total of 19,549 kilolitres (KL) of water was effectively reused on campus, sourced from our Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). This water is channelled through a dedicated pumping system specifically designed for its reuse in non-potable applications. The reclaimed water is utilized for flushing purposes within campus facilities and for irrigating garden areas. Our green audit and environment audit mentions of the efforts that we have put together in this regard.

    Green Audit Report (Refer to pg. no. 25 – 39)

    New Policy –

    Policy on Water Management and its Reuse