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    by BML Munjal University August 31, 2015

    The field of Engineering is seeing some exciting developments through cutting-edge research. There is talk of 4-D printing where an object created through 3-D printing will change shape with time depending on environmental conditions. Magnetically levitated trains have already attained speeds of 600 km per hour in test runs and the feasibility of trains running at supersonic speeds in a vacuum is being examined.

    The School of Engineering and Technology is also researching areas that will ultimately have a positive impact on society. Some of these include reducing the growth of tumors, optimization of production processes across continents, better drug delivery, and rapid prototyping. One of the studies was published at the International IEEE AP-S Conference, USA.

    Faculty: Dr. Shahid Ahmed, Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Research Area: Short-Pulse Electromagnetics
    Title: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Simulators for Our Real Life — Electronics for Cancer Treatment
    Abstract: Electromagnetic pulse is an electromagnetic wave such as light and radio waves, and in nature, it is generated by lightning. The term “pulse” suggests an electromagnetic wave of short duration. Sometimes we see that strong lightning shuts down electricity and damages TV systems; this happens to owe to the high electrical power associated with lightning surges. Research suggests that controlling electromagnetic pulses by changing their shape and intensity can help in devising shielding enclosures that will protect electrical and electronic equipment against lightning. Moreover, the controlled electromagnetic pulses can induce programmed cell death in biological cells, which could reduce the growth of tumors.

    Therefore, the exposure of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) could be a boon for the human body. The goal is to devise EMP simulators for such research purposes.

    Faculty: Dr. Amarnath Bheemaraju, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
    Research Area: Semiconductor Manufacturing
    Title: Structure and Properties of Soluble H-bonded N-type Organic Semiconductors
    Abstract: Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are used to make large-area, low-cost, and flexible electronic devices such as transducers, diodes, sensors, and memory elements. This research aims to improve the performance of OFETs by enhancing the electron mobility (how quickly electrons move in a material when an electric field is applied) using organic semiconductors (OSC) that have well-defined assemblies. It also answers the question of how structure and functions are related in various OSC molecules.

    Faculty: Dr. Maheshwar Dwivedi, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
    Research Area: Industrial Manufacturing
    Title: Assessing Manufacturing Sustainability across Borders
    Abstract: Industrial manufacturing is a global activity that spans continents and cultures, but although outwardly similar activities (e.g., automobile and steel production) take place in many different locations, they are far from identical operations. Although many examples can be mentioned, few quantitative tools can support international companies in the optimization of the overall sustainability of their operations across different countries. Indeed typical life cycle analysis (LCA) is almost invariably conducted within a regional “bubble” using national levels to quantify, say, energy and environmental costs. This research will cut across national boundaries to develop a framework for life cycle costs that is cognizant of national context and supports the optimization of processes across continents.

    Research in management plays a vital role in ensuring that we are up to date with the latest trends in the world of business. Our close partner in the MBA program is Imperial College London which has a very strong focus on research and innovation. To quote: “Our research aims to create knowledge generally and provide solutions to a broad spectrum of societal and economic issues.” At BMU, we seek to imbibe the 108-year-old heritage of our academic mentor.

    Some of the areas of research that BMU faculty have worked on are showcased in this article. They cover a broad spectrum. Challenges faced by expatriate managers running businesses in India are one. The issues related to the complex systems that operate in financial markets of emerging nations are another. Yet another pertains to the characteristics that go to make successful leaders in India. If, on reading, you would like more details, do get in touch with us.

    Faculty: Dr. Vishwanath S R
    Research Area: Anchor Investors, Under-pricing, and After-Market Performance
    Abstract: The paper studies a legal experiment that allows share allocations to anchor investors in a two-stage IPO process. It is found that anchor investors are likely to invest in hard-to-place offerings. The researchers document a negative, causal relation between allocation to anchor investors and underpricing. They found that reputed anchor investors realize substantial profits up to lock up expiration whereas others realize losses. When lock-ups expire, there is an insignificant return for the investors. The research evidence provides support to information revelation and targeting specific investors’ theories of book building.

    Faculty: Dr. Sanghamitra Bhattacharya
    Research Area: Challenges and opportunities of doing business in India
    Abstract: While increasing numbers of multinational corporations (MNCs) are choosing India as a destination to expand their businesses, there is a paucity of academic literature on cultural issues and challenges faced by expatriate managers running businesses in India. An exploratory study was conducted, involving content analysis of in-depth interviews to understand management techniques and culture-specific challenges that expatriate managers of multinationals face while doing business in India. Six propositions — on aspects such as dimensions of diversity and cultural values, perceived ease of doing business, HR practices commonly followed by MNCs were tested. The study highlighted similarities as well as differences in respondents’ perceptions on certain cultural dimensions and emphasized the necessity to adjust expectations and management practices by foreign companies, planning to operate in India, and proposed a “third culture” approach by MNCs.

    Faculty: Dr. Davinder Singh
    Research Area: Studying the Influence of Leader’s Characteristics on Organisational Innovation through Case Studies of Indian Business Leaders– A Book Review, Singh, P., and Bhandarkar, A, ‘In Search of Change Maestros’, Sage.
    Abstract: The subjects of individual creativity and organizational innovation are being viewed as important for business success. Various themes have emerged from the studies done to understand the relationship that exists between ‘Leader’s Characteristics’ and ‘Innovation’. The studies have been done predominantly in the context of developed economies. They would likely be applicable in the Indian context as well. The Indian business landscape has changed since the mid-1990s, when the change in economic policies was initiated, increasing competition — both internal and external. The organizations needed to embrace and manage change and the need to innovate increased. The Indian Business Leaders, who recognized this and provided transformational leadership to their organization, have led their organizations to high growth. In this paper, an attempt has been made to compare the characteristics of such leaders from India to the themes from the extant literature.

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    1 thought on “CUTTING EDGE RESEARCH”

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