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    Easiest Engineering Degrees – Time to open your eyes!

    by BML Munjal University June 26, 2019

    To be honest, there is nothing such as easiest Engineering degree, and it is certainly not made for everyone. When we talk about the substandard engineering degrees in India, there is not much to say except this that we as a country are behind when it comes to providing proper engineering education for the students.


    Apart from the IITs and the other prestigious institutions, the quality of engineering education is degrading in the country.

    The main cause of this problem is the low-quality of the colleges that are providing such engineering programs. Not just that, but the number of all the engineering seats is declining with just 50.1 percent of the students since 2016.

    In spite of these figures, students are on the lookout for the easiest of the engineering degrees. Well, the good thing about engineering is that it provides a multidisciplinary field to fulfil those demands.

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    Every field in engineering is challenging, and there are numerous types of fields. They have their different duties, jobs. Their working schedule is also different from each other. The salary for all those types is according to their work, and they differ from each other.

    You can easily find any of those fields satisfying your career. As an example, your field of interest may be in construction; here getting a degree in civil engineering will go best for your future.

    Similarly, if you are interested in dealing with the issues related to the environment, then environmental engineering degree will go well for your career.

    Well, the question about the salary also has a big role in satisfaction for the job.

    In this article, we are going to talk about different engineering degrees. This will help you decide your field of interest.

    Make sure that you pay attention to the requirements and all the details about the degrees.

    Most Interesting Engineering Degree

    Well, most of us agree with the technology worked on a computer engineering method. It is going to expand the world of engineering with the highest rate.

    The computer application is considered as one of the most interesting degrees. Software engineers are still touching the edge of today’s technology.

    It is the kind of technology that can advance all the popular industries in the future.

    Software is mainly created and is converted to some specific design so that it will use for the research and the development purposes.

    Well, it is also important to note that, out of all the different types of degrees in engineering, software degrees and also the computer degree can easily get job transition.

    The computer-based jobs that are firmly entrenched now are the easiest job. The demand for computer-based technology is the demand of all the industries and it’s increasing day by day.

    High Paying Engineering Degrees

  • Degree in Petroleum Engineering
  • As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the petroleum engineers have a salary of Rs 6.5 LPA. That means approximately Rs 3.5 LPA additional than any other engineering field.

    Not only this, but it heard that the petroleum engineers would grow at least by 17 percent in the year 2020.

    Well, the oil, petroleum and the gas companies have a high demand of salary because of the most effective and convenient methods for the extraction of the petroleum products.

    And also the drilling work is much more complex, and only the expert engineers are required for the work. The main reason for growing in their salary is because it is a little bit risky job.

    They have the toughest job, and each and every work should be handled by proper hand. The subjects like, integration, calculus, algebra, trigonometry, and also the biology, physics, chemistry are all important to a student who has an interest in the career in petroleum engineering.

    The important qualities must include creativity, strong knowledge of solving problems and calculations, great analytical skills. You should know the teamwork since you have lots of work habits with peoples in the background.

    • Degree in Biochemical Engineering

    The annual income for a biochemical engineer is about Rs 303,883 in 2010. It has an excellent job outlook. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is believed that the biochemical engineer will grow about 62 percent by the year 2020.

    As a biochemical engineer, the important quality you must have is, to have good communication skill, good at problem-solving, and an excellent grade in math.

    The courses that should involve in the study of this field are physics, chemistry and biology, drafting, computer programming, and mechanical drawing.

    • Civil Engineering Degree

    The approximate amount of salary is about Rs 3.5 LPA in 2010 and will grow by its 10 percent by the year 2020.

    Well, getting a degree in mechanical engineers is of great interest. The civil engineers manage many infrastructural projects that include the construction of the roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, etc. with the new innovative ideas.

    Civil engineers are basically found to work at the construction sites, but they also work in an office setting as well.

    • Sustainability Design and Degree

    Well, the population of the world is growing day by day, and along with this the waste treatment is also growing. It requires the best design and technology to improve productivity. The main aim of this particular job is to reduce the waste of the material.

    The main courses in this field include statistical analysis, engineering mechanics, physics, and math. These are the best subjects to study in college if your field of interest in this type of engineering.

    And the important qualities required are, you should have excellent thinking of making a decision, you should understand the complexity in math and the best leadership ability.

    Most importantly, only those civil engineers who have licensed are allowed to sign the infrastructures plans. They should able to evaluate and monitor the progress of the job sites.

    Well, making management for a particular project is also an art that a civil engineer should have.   Well, the other duties for civil engineers to report their progress to the other administrators of the state, including architects, multidisciplinary planners. It can be done within the city or the country level, so mainly the communications and writing skills are must be required in the field of civil engineering.

    • Degree in Environmental Degree

    Well, the job outlook for this particular type of engineering is excellent, according to the Bureau of statistics. The annual income for environmental engineers is about Rs 3L. The salary will grow by about 22 percent by the year 2020.

    So, the people who actually have an interest in issues related to the environment must go for a degree in environmental engineering.

    As, the government is much more concerned with the treatment of the wastewater and for the cleaning purpose of the country, the environmental engineers are highly demanded. Yes!

    They are the people who work for environmental problems throughout the country. They have many different techniques to solve those issues.

    The areas which are mostly restricted may be in the municipal region where the government has to fulfil all those demands related to the environmental issues. Those problems are generally solved by this type of engineers. They meet most of the problems in an instant.

    The courses required for the field of study are, biology, chemistry, biology along with the derivatives, calculus, and trigonometry.

    Well, just like the other different types of engineers, environmental engineers should also have critical thinking in solving the problems — people who are having this kill generally become a successful engineer.

    So, apart from this skill, you should have other qualities like a good system of analysis, reading comprehension, communication skills, etc.

    And most importantly, the ability to work as a team should possess in you as an environmental engineer.

    Best Degree in Engineering for Your Future

    Alright! So, this is a question that comes to everyone’s mind. Well, many of those roles in the different fields are placed for your better future.

    According to the research, environmental engineer, sustainability engineers, and computer and technical engineers have the highest guarantee for the best career.

    However, for the best future, you must go first for computer-based work.

    One of the best reasons for it is because of the advanced techniques that will keep on developing with the generation after generation.

    So, it gives the best promising career among all of those types of engineers.

    Picking The Easiest Engineering Degrees

    Now that you know a bit about the easiest engineering degrees, we bet that you are ready to start picking out the one degree that you want to have for sure.

    Well, that is not going to be an easy task, and we are pretty sure that you would want to know how to do that in the first place. Selecting the one degree that you think is going to be helpful to you and easy as well is not something that can be considered as easy.

    That is because there is no particular course in engineering which can be deemed as an easy one. To be honest, there are some courses which are considered difficult and more challenging than the others in the line.

    There is simply no doubt about the fact that there are many different degrees in engineering which are currently very much in demand as there are many students who are realizing how important and lucrative the careers would be once they pursue these particular degrees.

    However, most students aren’t really aware of the fact that these degrees are often pretty difficult and challenging to understand, as well.

    So, one of the most important things that the students need to do is make sure that they have a proper interest in the subject that they are choosing because without it there are going to be a lot more problems ahead in the future. Surely, you don’t want that to happen to you, right.

    In the courses of engineering, there is no such thing as an easy course or a difficult one. It totally depends on the interest that the students have on different subjects.

    A particular course might seem easy for a particular student who has an interest in it. However, at the same time, it could be a bit difficult for the ones who don’t have an interest in the course.

    So, it all boils down to the dedication and the interest that you have on any particular course for sure. Also, the workload required for each particular subject will also decide whether the course is suitable for the students or not.

    If there is more workload in any particular engineering course, then there is no doubt about the fact that it would be considered a difficult course. However, with a lesser workload, the difficulty level also decreases.

    So, that is all you need to know about the easiest engineering degrees. Make sure that you choose the ones that you have an interest in so that you can have a bright and successful career after the completion of your degree in the best way.

    Easiest Engineering Degrees
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