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    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Rank 2024 [With Normalisation Procedure & Tie Breaking Rules]

    JEE Main Marks

    While we talk about JEE Main, it’s imperative that we know the pathway and the process involved for B.Tech admissions through the entrance examination, including JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Ranks and their significance.

    What is JEE Main?

    JEE Main, as the name sounds, is one of the most sought-after entrance examinations in the country for engineering admissions. Around 10-11 lakh students compete in this engineering entrance exam to secure a seat for themselves in various engineering disciplines across NITs, IIITs and CFTIs.

    The National Testing Agency or NTA conducts the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE-Main) every year that comprises two papers.

    • Paper 1 is conducted for admission to UG engineering courses (B.E/B.Tech.) across NITs, IIITs, other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), Institutions/Universities funded/recognized by participating state governments.
    • Paper 2 is held for admission to B. Arch and B. Planning programmes in the country.

    JEE Mains is also an eligibility test for filtering the eligible test takers to the second level of the examination ie: JEE Advanced. JEE Advanced is conducted for admission to IITs.

    Why to Become Familiar with JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Rank?

    Familiarising yourself with JEE Mains Marks vs Percentile vs Rank data will help you predict your rank and determine the eligible colleges you can target during the central counselling procedure. The JEE Main percentile scores are not the candidates’ actual marks but their normalised grades.

    Aspirants can check the JEE Main Marks to calculate a certain JEE Main Percentile after completing the JEE Main normalisation process. JEE Main score not only determines the qualifying cut-off for JEE Advanced but also plays a vital role in determining the JEE Main ranks.

    Being aware of JEE Mains Marks Vs Percentile Vs ranks will benefit aspiring candidates to know about their admission chances. What students get through the JEE Main result is not the actual scores but the percentile scores. These percentile scores are the converted or normalised scores of the raw JEE Main scores.

    Why Are JEE Main Scores Normalised?

    Before jumping into the process, let’s first understand why are JEE Main scores normalised? The National Testing Agency (NTA), which is the exam conducting authority for JEE Main, uses a unique formula, ie: normalisation to equalise the difficulty level of the exam, as the exam is conducted in various shifts and on different days. So the possibility is that the JEE Main paper can be more difficult in a particular shift/day than the other days.

    Thus, normalisation acts as a level playing ground for all test takers by bringing the difficulty level of all papers in different shifts/days on a same level. In other words, the raw scores of candidates in JEE Main are converted to percentile scores. To understand it better, the JEE Main percentile score corresponds to the raw score obtained by the test takers in the exam.

    What is Normalisation?

    The normalisation is an established standard and practice for comparing the scores of the test takers across multi-session papers. For normalisation across sections, NTA uses the percentile equivalence.

    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Ranks – Normalisation Process for NTA Scores Calculation

    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Ranks

    JEE Main Normalisation – Stage-wise Process and Preparation of JEE Main Result

    Stage 1 – Distribution of Examinees in 2 Shifts

    At this stage, the candidates are divided almost equally in two different sessions randomly as shown below:

    • Session-1: Day-1 Shift-1
    • Session-2: Day-1 Shift-2

    In case of more number of days or lesser number of sessions/shifts, the candidates are divided accordingly.

    Stage 2 – Result Preparation for Each Session

    The JEE Main result is prepared in the form of:

    • Raw Scores
    • Percentiles Scores of Total raw scores

    Stage 3 – Compilation of NTA score and Result Preparation

    The percentile scores for the total raw score of the candidates for all the sessions (Session-1: Day-1 Shift-1, Session-2: Day-1 Shift-2) as calculated in Stage 2 above will be merged and called the NTA scores. The NTA scores will then further be used for the preparation of results and further processing for deciding the allocation.

    JEE Main Normalisation – Tie Breaking Rules

    The tie-breaking rule will come into effect in case 2 or more candidates secure an equal percentile score. In such a scenario, the inter-se-merit will be determined as per the below given rule and the order mentioned:

    • Candidates with higher percentile scores in Mathematics will be ranked higher.
    • In case the tie still continues, then the candidate with higher percentile score in Physics will be given a higher/better rank.
    • Furthermore, if the tie doesn’t break yet, then the candidate with higher percentile score in Chemistry will be considered for a higher rank.
    • Still, if the tie exists, then the candidate with older age will be given preference.

    Note – JEE Main results 2024 will be released at For candidates appearing in all the sessions of the examination, the best of NTA scores are taken into account. The JEE Main merit list will be prepared based on the final scores and the ranks will be allotted to candidates based on the same. The result of JEE Main will be released separately for each session.

    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Ranks for B.Tech Admission – Analysis

    Candidates can check here a detailed analysis of JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs ranks for B.Tech admissions. By checking the analysis of JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs ranks, the candidates will get to know what will their raw scores in JEE Main translate to in terms of percentile and ranks that form the admission basis across the participating institutes.

    JEE Main 2024 Expected Marks Vs Percentile Vs Ranks

    Based on the actual, official data from the previous year, we bring to you the probable or expected JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs ranks here. Admission seekers of 2024 can check the JEE Main expected Marks vs percentile vs ranks 2024 here. It must be noted that these scores, percentiles, and ranks are probably the only official data points that may differ a little. The actual JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs ranks 2024 will be released along with the result and post the result announcement.

    A Comparative Study JEE Main 2024 Marks vs Percentile

    The marks vs percentile for JEE Mains 2024 is available. Candidates can refer to the table below for marks vs percentile in JEE Mains 2024 to get an idea of their approximate percentile range in JEE Main result.

    JEE Main 2024 Score JEE Main 2024 Percentile
    300-281 100 - 99.99989145
    271 - 280 99.994681 - 99.997394
    263 - 270 99.990990 - 99.994029
    250 - 262 99.977205 - 99.988819
    241 - 250 99.960163 - 99.975034
    231 - 240 99.934980 - 99.956364
    221 - 230 99.901113 - 99.928901
    211 - 220 99.851616 - 99.893732
    201 - 210 99.795063 - 99.845212
    191 - 200 99.710831 - 99.782472
    181 - 190 99.597399 - 99.688579
    171 - 180 99.456939 - 99.573193
    161 - 170 99.272084 - 99.431214
    151 - 160 99.028614 - 99.239737
    141 - 150 98.732389 - 98.990296
    131 - 140 98.317414 - 98.666935
    121 - 130 97.811260 - 98.254132
    111 - 120 97.142937 - 97.685672
    101 - 110 96.204550 - 96.978272
    91 - 100 94.998594 - 96.064850
    81 - 90 93.471231 - 94.749479
    71 - 80 91.072128 - 93.152971
    61 - 70 87.512225 - 90.702200
    51 - 60 82.016062 - 86.907944
    41 - 50 73.287808 - 80.982153
    31 - 40 58.151490 - 71.302052
    21 - 30 37.694529 - 56.569310
    20 - 11 13.495849 - 33.229128
    0 - 10 0.8435177 - 9.6954066

    JEE Main 2024 Percentile vs Ranks

    The number of students who have enrolled, the exam's difficulty level, the number of questions, and trends from prior JEE Main scores and rankings all affect when percentile and rank information are released.

    Here are the JEE Main 2024 percentile vs. rank statistics. Candidates can verify the percentile vs rank statistics here. For the same, candidates can consult the table below:

    JEE Main 2024 Percentile JEE Main 2024 Rank
    100 - 99.99989145 1 - 20
    99.994681 - 99.997394 80 - 24
    99.990990 - 99.994029 83 - 55
    99.977205 - 99.988819 210 - 85
    99.960163 - 99.975034 367 - 215
    99.934980 - 99.956364 599 - 375
    99.901113 - 99.928901 911 - 610
    99.851616 - 99.893732 1367 - 920
    99.795063 - 99.845212 1888 - 1375
    99.710831 - 99.782472 2664 - 1900
    99.597399 - 99.688579 3710 - 2700
    99.456939 - 99.573193 5003- 3800
    99.272084 - 99.431214 6706 - 5100
    99.028614 - 99.239737 8949 - 6800
    98.732389 - 98.990296 11678 - 9000
    98.317414 - 98.666935 15501 - 11800
    97.811260 - 98.254132 20164 - 15700
    97.142937 - 97.685672 26321 - 20500
    96.204550 - 96.978272 34966 - 26500
    94.998594 - 96.064850 46076 - 35000
    93.471231 - 94.749479 60147 - 46500
    91.072128 - 93.152971 82249 - 61000
    87.512225 - 90.702200 115045 - 83000
    82.016062 - 86.907944 165679 - 117000
    73.287808 - 80.982153 246089 - 166000
    58.151490 - 71.302052 385534 - 264383

    JEE Mains 2024 Cutoff

    There are two types of cut-offs of JEE Main that are released at two stages. The two types are qualifying cutoffs and admission cut offs. JEE Main cut off (Qualifying) is released by the NTA wherein candidates can check it through JEE Main result log in portal.

    However, the JEE Main cutoff (Admission) is released by the JoSAA and can be accessed via JoSAA’s official website. The purpose of the qualifying cut offs of JEE Main is to screen candidates for JEE Advanced, while the purpose of the admission cutoff is to offer admission to the eligible candidates across JEE Mains participating institutes.

    Category Cutoff
    Unreserved (UR) 100.0000000 to 93.2362181
    OBC-NCL 93.2312696 to 79.6757881
    SC 93.2312696 to 60.0923182
    ST 93.2312696 to 46.6975840
    UR-PwD 93.2041331 to 0.0018700

    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Rank – Previous Years

    Check here the official JEE Mains Marks Vs Percentile Vs ranks for the years 2023 and 2022. The table here carries the JEE Main raw score and the corresponding percentile, as well as the JEE Main ranks.

    JEE Main Expected Marks Vs Percentile Vs Ranks 2023

    JEE Main Score (Out of 300) JEE Main Percentile JEE Main Rank
    286- 292 99.99826992- 99.99890732 19-12
    280-284 99.99617561 - 99.99790569 42-23
    268- 279 99.99034797 - 99.99417236 106-64
    250- 267 99.95228621- 99.99016586 524-108
    231-249 99.87388626-99.95028296 1385-546
    215-230 99.74522293-99.87060821 2798-1421
    200-214 99.57503767- 99.73930423 4667-2863
    189-199 99.39319714- 99.56019541 6664- 4830
    175-188 99.02150308 - 99.3487614 10746-7152
    160-174 98.52824811-98.99673561 16163-11018
    149-159 98.07460288-98.49801724 21145-16495
    132-148 97.0109678-97.97507774 32826-22238
    120-131 96.0687115-96.93721175 43174-33636
    110-119 95.05625037-95.983027 54293-44115
    102-109 94.01228357-94.96737888 65758-55269
    95-101 93.05600452 -93.89928202 76260-66999
    89-94 92.05811248 -92.88745828 87219-78111
    79-88 90.0448455 -91.79177119 109329-90144
    62-87 84.56203931-91.59517945 169542-92303
    41-61 70.26839007-84.22540213 326517-173239
    1-40 6.66590786-69.5797271 1025009-334080

    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Rank 2022

    JEE Main Score (Out of 300) JEE Main Percentile JEE Main Rank
    286- 292 99.97826992- 99.99990732 21-11
    280-284 99.98917561 – 99.99990569 45-22
    268- 279 99.98034797 – 99.99917236 109-62
    250- 267 99.95438621- 99.99916586 527-106
    231-249 99.86588626-99.97528296 1388-543
    215-230 99.69522293-99.89360821 2800-1419
    200-214 99.55503767- 99.79930423 4669-2860
    189-199 99.37319714- 99.69019541 6667- 4828
    175-188 99.00050308 – 99.3787614 10749-7150
    160-174 98.50824811-98.99973561 16163-11015
    149-159 98.05460288-98.54801724 21148-16492
    132-148 97.0009678-97.99507774 32829-22235
    120-131 96.0487115-96.95721175 43177-33633
    110-119 95.02625037-95.993027 54296-44112
    102-109 94.00028357-94.99737888 65761-55266
    95-101 93.02600452 -93.92928202 76263-66995
    89-94 92.02811248 -92.90745828 87222-78108
    79-88 90.0148455 -91.83177119 109332-90141
    62-87 84.53203931-91.62517945 169545-92300
    41-61 70.23839007-84.28540213 326519-173236
    1-40 66.6290786-69.5997271 1025012-334078

    JEE Mains Percentile vs Marks 2022

    JEE Main Score (Out of 300) JEE Main Percentile
    286- 292 99.97826992- 99.99990732
    280-284 99.98917561 – 99.99990569
    268- 279 99.98034797 – 99.99917236
    250- 267 99.95438621- 99.99916586
    231-249 99.86588626-99.97528296
    215-230 99.69522293-99.89360821
    200-214 99.55503767- 99.79930423
    189-199 99.37319714- 99.69019541
    175-188 99.00050308 – 99.3787614
    160-174 98.50824811-98.99973561
    149-159 98.05460288-98.54801724
    132-148 97.0009678-97.99507774
    120-131 96.0487115-96.95721175
    110-119 95.02625037-95.993027
    102-109 94.00028357-94.99737888
    95-101 93.02600452 -93.92928202
    89-94 92.02811248 -92.90745828
    79-88 90.0148455 -91.83177119
    62-87 84.53203931-91.62517945
    41-61 70.23839007-84.28540213
    1-40 66.6290786-69.5997271

    JEE Mains Percentile Vs Ranks 2022

    JEE Main Percentile JEE Main Rank
    99.97826992- 99.99990732 21-11
    99.98917561 – 99.99990569 45-22
    99.98034797 – 99.99917236 109-62
    99.95438621- 99.99916586 527-106
    99.86588626-99.97528296 1388-543
    99.69522293-99.89360821 2800-1419
    99.55503767- 99.79930423 4669-2860
    99.37319714- 99.69019541 6667- 4828
    99.00050308 – 99.3787614 10749-7150
    98.50824811-98.99973561 16163-11015
    98.05460288-98.54801724 21148-16492
    97.0009678-97.99507774 32829-22235
    96.0487115-96.95721175 43177-33633
    95.02625037-95.993027 54296-44112
    94.00028357-94.99737888 65761-55266
    93.02600452 -93.92928202 76263-66995
    92.02811248 -92.90745828 87222-78108
    90.0148455 -91.83177119 109332-90141
    84.53203931-91.62517945 169545-92300
    70.23839007-84.28540213 326519-173236
    66.6290786-69.5997271 1025012-334078

    JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Vs Rank - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q: How are JEE Main percentile scores calculated?

    Ans: The raw scores of the candidates in the exam are normalized into percentile scores using the normalization.

    Q: What will be the percentile score against the JEE Main score of 290?

    Ans: With 290 marks, the percentile score of JEE Main will be in the range of 99.99826992- 99.99890732.

    Q: What's a good percentile in JEE Mains?

    Ans: Anything above 94-95 percentile in JEE Main is good.

    Q: What if there is a tie at a given rank? How will that be broken?

    Ans: In case of a tie, the candidate with higher percentile score (In Mathematics, then Physics, then Chemistry, and then older age) in the given order will be allotted a better and higher rank.

    Q: Why is normalization applied for preparing JEE Main results?

    Ans: Normalization plays a level playing ground to equalize the difficulty level of exams held in multiple sessions.

    Q: How are JEE Main ranks prepared?

    Ans: The NTA takes into account the composite scores of JEE Main and Class 12th marks in the ration 60:40 to prepare the ranks/merit list.

    Q: What would be a good percentile if one's seeking admission to the NITs?

    Ans: For admission to NITs, general category candidates must target 95+, while the reserved category candidates can get admission across the NITs with the percentile above 80.

    Q: What are the factors that impact the JEE Main cutoff?

    Ans: JEE Main cut off is influenced based on the total number of test takers, total number of seats available,  difficulty level of the examination, and the previous years' cut off trends. 

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