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    Automatic Alcohol Detecting System

    Team Members: P. Niteesh Gandhi, M. Sai Pavan, V. Saatwik, V. Sai Praneeth, N. Harshini, R. Srivatsa

    Inspiration: Drinking and driving increases the risk of accidents. Drunk driving has led to many fatal accidents in the recent times. This led the students to design and fabricate a system to help reduce occurrences of accidents due to drunk driving.  

    Innovation: Development of a new system which detects the alcohol level in a person’s body through sensing his breath. GPS and GSM modules have been added, thus helping to detect the location of the driver and send message of caution to persons concerned.

    Impact: This system detects incidents of drunk driving and helps to prevent accidents occurring due to it. Its usage would thus save many lives.

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