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    Scheduler Visualizer: The visual aid to better understanding of scheduling algorithms

    Team Members:

    • Shreyansh Anchlia (1800185C202)
    • Mohammad Daim (1800164C202)
    • Anant Kaul (1800201C203)
    • Kishor Sarswat (1800228C203)
    • Himanshu Jalan (1800220C203)

    Description: This program was created to visualize the scheduling algorithms in real time. This project lets you choose from the various possible scheduling algorithms with possibilities of customizations in all these types. It not only gives a step by step running of these processes but also prepares a Gantt chart and summary tables which are extremely important visual aids in understanding scheduling. Context switching is also incorporated which makes this a complete tool for understanding of CPU scheduling

    Motivation: People understand things better when they can visualize it. Operating system being such an important part of people’s life with increasing interaction with devices. Lack of any such visual tool in the market motivated the students to create one which is simple, accurate and easy to interact with. Students, teachers and other technical professionals will find this tool extremely important in understanding CPU scheduling. They will also be able to gather data for various analysis using our stimulations. Due to the open source availability of this tool, it can be used by a layman also, who has keen interest in understanding scheduling algorithms.

    Tools and Technologies used: Unity Engine, Visual Studio as code Editor, Text Mesh Pro (for sharper text to run on low dpi screens).

    Application and Use: It can be used by educational institutions in their teaching channels such as LMS websites to aid understanding of the students. It can also be hosted in a dedicated website which is open to all to access.

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