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    Smart Bag With Protective Personal Bubble

    Team Members: Gangadasu Vinoothna, Charishm Pydi, Nimasa Konsam.

    Inspiration: Recent times have put emphasis on social distancing. But personal space invasion is a common problem people face in crowded markets, metros etc. So walking around with a transparent protective bubble that shields us from the heat, cold, rain, and even from communicable bacteria and viruses is what one might precisely need. Since it is impractical to be carrying it around throughout the day, A smart backpack with automated protective shield is the perfect solution.

    The proposed smart bag with protective personal bubble comes with many more features to answer our day to day problems. We often carry bags which consist of electronic devices (laptops, smart phones). There might be a chance that we lost our bags during travelling. Being able to locate our bag will be an added advantage. And in today’s smart world, we are always scavenging for charging points while travelling. Our smart bag would be the one solution fits all for the above mentioned problems.

    This full body umbrella was an inspiration to our smart bag with protective personal bubble

    Innovation: The raindrop sensor detects rain drops, immediately an umbrella will pop up. So that umbrella will cover both the person and bag. The intelligent temperature control system embedded into the protective personal bubble keeps the user protected from high and low temperatures. With the help of a tracking system we can track our bags where it is exactly. The notifications will be sent to two user’s registered mobile devices. The power source management engine which is in smart bags helps to charge our devices (two devices at a time) during journey.

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